Woefully Ill Prepared

And no this isn’t a post about Brexit, I’ve been compelled all week to have Parliament TV on in the background and I’m all Brexited out. So today is Mothers day, Happy Mothers day to my mum and all of the mums out there. However it dawns on me that that also means its :

A) The end of March

B) A quarter of the year has flown by

C) Only two weeks left until we take on this years major challenge

D) In relation to that last one I, and probably my co conspirators are woefully ill prepared.

Usually the annual challenge is a flurry of preparation and training. This year the first three months have passed without even getting the boards wet. In fact someone, lets call him Matt (cos thats still his name) has yet to fix a puncture in his board. We havent planned the logistics, its all still to do with only two weeks to go. Lets hope that the Rolling Stones were on to something with this track.


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